If you have a stressed dog or work with clients that may have one, training is not the first solution. For these animals, you must get the foundation right or the lessons won’t stick. Somewhat unbelievably, considering the attention it gets in children, the role of good food in achieving normal behaviour in dogs is but a fledgling subject in dogs. In this 90min lecture, we will be covering a lot of topics, the majority of which is supported with studies of other animals. However, in all the key areas there are works in dogs that we can gain valuable insight and verification from. There is no doubt real food improves the behaviour of dogs. Here’s everything you need to know, beginning with supplements to avoid and finishing with recommended natural additions to try.
The course lasts 100minutes and costs €29.95. You will receive your course notes and slides upon beginning the course and your certificate at the end.
This course is laid out as follows:
Part 1: Introduction – The evidence for real food and “good“ behaviour in dogs
Part 2: The role of macro and micronutrients in canine contentment (covering the critical role of fresh protein and the tryptophan delusion, the influence of high carbohydrates, natural versus synthetic vitamins and minerals, as well as the importance of fresh fats, bioactive ingredients, chemicals and behavioural enrichment).
Part 3: The role of the gut flora (how the gut flora influence behaviour, the behavioural impact of a dysbiosis, studies of raw v dry feeding in terms of head soothing compounds from the gut and finishing with notes on pre, pro and antibiotics).
Part 4: What to feed a stressed dog BEFORE training is even considered!